- Technique in which multiple telescopes are coupled to make a large virtual telescope, e.g. the 14 dishes in Westerbork
- ASTRONNetherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy
- ATVamateur television
- CESTCentral European Summer Time = UTC+02:00
- CETCentral European Time = UTC+01:00
- CubeSatsmall satellite about a liter in size
- DARUDutch Amateur Radio Union
- DATVdigital amateur television
- dispersionphenomenon that free electrons between radio source and observer slow down radio waves with lower frequencies more than waves with higher frequencies
- donglehardware extension of computer to connect to USB bus
- EEGelectroencephalography: method to measure electrical activity of the brain
- EMEEarth-Moon-Earth, bouncing radio messages via the Moon
- EUCARAEuropean Conference on Amateur Radio Astronomy
- exoplanetplanet outside our solar system orbiting around another star than the sun
- GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
- glitchsudden decrease of the rotation period of pulsars
- GRAVESFrench radar system at 143.050 MHz that detects satellites and calculates their orbits (Grand Réseau Adapté à la Veille Spatiale)
- HFHigh Frequency: the shortwave band, which runs from 3 to 30 MHz
- JAXAJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency https://global.jaxa.jp/
- JIVEJoint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) in Europe
- JOTAJamboree On The Air, worldwide scouting event where scouts connect with each other with the help of radio amateurs
- JOTIJamboree On The Internet, international scouting event
- JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA research and development center managed by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
- JWGDutch astronomy association for youth aged 8 to 21
- KNVWSRoyal Netherlands Association for Meteorology and Astronomy
- LoRaLong Range data communication over long distances with little power, intended to connect all kinds of devices
- moon bouncemaking a radio connection via the moon; also called Earth-Moon-Earth connection (EME)
- Muller Housebungalow, former director's residence on ASTRON site, at Oude Hoogeveensedijk 6 in Lhee (near Dwingeloo)
- Overview Effectshift in self-awareness that astronauts experience as a result of seeing the Earth from space
- PI9CAMcall sign of CAMRAS radio amateurs in the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope in the period 2007-2024
- PI9RDcall sign of CAMRAS radio amateurs in the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope from 2025
- pulsarremnant of a medium-heavy star at the end of its life after a supernova explosion; also neutron star
- Rubidium clockvery accurate atomic clock
- S bandradio wavelength range between 2 and 4 GHz (15 and 7.5 cm)
- SDRSoftware Defined Radio, radio receiver created by a software program
- SRZMStichting Radiostraling van Zon en Melkweg, precursor of ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy
- Stellariumopen source planetarium program for computer
- TLEtwo-line element, two lines of orbit data for objects in orbit around the earth
- transceiver'transceiver' is a combination of the words 'transmitter' and 'receiver', a device that can both transmit and receive.
- transverterelectronics to send and receive at a higher or lower frequency
- UTCcoordinated universal time, primary time standard, equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time within one second
- VDIFVLBI Data Interchange Format, standardized VLBI raw-data format, compatible with the used recording systems of both telescopes and with the network transmission
- VERONDutch section of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
- Visual MoonbounceTechnology to moon bounce still images, co-developed by CAMRAS volunteers. The name Visual Moonbounce was suggested Daniela De Paulis, who is also known as Sophie Lucas.
- VLBIVery Long Baseline Interferometry, interferometry using multiple radio telescopes at a great distance from each other
- VRZADutch Association of Radio Amateurs
- WebSDRSoftware-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously
- WSJTWeak Signal Communication Software by Joe Taylor (K1JT)
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