This website is offered to you by the CA Muller Radio Astronomy Station Foundation (CAMRAS).
The website solely serves to achieve the objectives of CAMRAS and to give you a good idea about CAMRAS and the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope.
The website is composed so that you can quickly find the information you are looking for.
The CAMRAS website is online since the beginning of 2007.
This version of the CAMRAS website is the third edition (January 2015).
This edition
– concept: Ard Hartsuijker, CAMRAS – PR
– content strategy and advice: Saskia Schrijver, Inhoud Telt, Deventer,
– technical realization CAMRAS – ICT: Tammo Jan Dijkema and Ard Hartsuijker
– content management system: WordPress
– theme: Enfold – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme van Kriesi
– hosting: TransIP
Editors CAMRAS-website
- Michel Arts (PE1NVK)
- Simon Bijlsma (PA7SB)
- Tammo Jan Dijkema
- Erik Tiddens (PE1ET)
- Ard Hartsuijker (coordination and editor in chief)
English/American English translation
- Simon Bijlsma (PA7SB)
- Ilse Harmers
- Ard Hartsuijker (coordination and editor in chief)
Contact website editors
- email: webredactie [at] camras [punt] nl
- mailing address: CAMRAS-website editors, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4, 7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
Webmaster CAMRAS-website
– Tammo Jan Dijkema and Ard Hartsuijker
– email: webmaster [at] camras [punt] nl
The C.A. Muller Radio Astronomy Station (CAMRAS) Foundation gives you access to the use of this website.
The content of this website solely serves to achieve the objectives of CAMRAS and to give you a good idea about CAMRAS and the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope.
CAMRAS takes the greatest possible care to compile the content and to provide up-to-date and correct information and referrals.
CAMRAS can modify the website at any time.
CAMRAS points out that – despite our care and attention – it is possible that the content is incomplete and/or incorrect and that the website may be temporarily unavailable.
Some blog posts, articles and photos from older editions of the website still have to be transferred and or translated.
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Blog posts (descending to 2007)
- Dwingeloo telescope receives signals from Voyager 1
- First tests at 8.4 GHz
- Jamboree On The Air 2024
- Curium One observed from Dwingeloo
- Dwingeloo Telescope detects fast radio burst
- Reception of the American Moon lander IM-1
- OH masers detected with the Dwingeloo telescope
- UHF signals of Japanese Moon rover received successfully in Dwingeloo
- EME 2024 Conference
- Jamboree on the Air 2023
- EME SSTV event 22 July 2023
- News from the frontend
- First results Artemis I lunar mission from Dwingeloo
- Dwingeloo Telescope active again this year with the Jamboree On The Air
- Dwingeloo ready to track Lunar mission and landing
- Würzburg that revealed Milky Way spirals found back
- Receiving images from the ISS through WebSDR
- First LoRa message bounced off the Moon
- EUCARA-2021 Web Conference, April 17, 2021
- With the 21 cm hydrogen line from Kootwijk to Dwingeloo
- Solargraph of the telescope
- Old postcards
- Amateur TV reception in the DT
- Meteors live stream August 12, 2020
- Historical observation repeated: occultation of the Crab Nebula by the Moon
- Comet C / 2020 F3 (NEOWISE) above the radio telescope
- Moon bounce live stream July 19, 2020
- National Sun Watching Day 2020 live stream
- One of the first radio amateurs to decode beacons from ESA’s OPS-SAT
- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima regional visit
- Dwingeloo Telescope receives Moon echoes for Scouting Jamboree
- Indian Moon landing followed by radio telescope
- DSLWP Amateur Radio Team
- Dwingeloo sends heart beat Neil Armstrong back to the Moon
- Photo solar eclipse from Chinese lunar satellite
- Israeli Moon landing tracked with the radio telescope
- Kick-off ‘COGITO in Space’ videos
- New photo of Lunar farside and Earth
- Possibilities of the CAMRAS webSDR
- Special opening January 12, 2019 (past event)
- EUCARA-2018 conference report
- Kick-off ‘COGITO in Space’
- Time-laps of the Earth appearing behind the Moon
- EME 2018 conference report
- Our precious Earth and the lunar far side
- Dwingeloo has fringes (again) !
- Restoration film
- Dwingeloo observes the BEESAT-3
- Stellarium background from the radio telescope
- Two satellites reactivated
- EUCARA-2016
- First two-way contact via satellite bounce from Dwingeloo
- Radio Telescope Dwingeloo commemorates Apollo 11
- Low-power EME world record
- First pulsar observation