Adventures of the Cosmic Pudding
Vanessa Moss, op moment van schrijven onderzoeker bij CAASTRO (ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics) en University of Sydney, was in september op bezoek bij ASTRON en JIVE. Natuurlijk werd daar haar serie Adventures of the Cosmic Pudding – waarin de Cosmic Pudding allerlei radiotelescopen en soms andere astronomische bezienswaardigheden bezoekt – uitgebreid met een bezoek aan CAMRAS en de Dwingeloo Radiotelescoop.
Bij de video schrijft zij:
After many months passed with no visits to telescopes, the pudding was excited to learn of an upcoming trip to the Netherlands! It packed itself into the suitcase and waiting to see what new telescopes this trip might bring. The telescope featured in this video played a key role in early studies of our Milky Way galaxy and beyond, first beginning operations in 1956. For a time following, it was the biggest telescope in the world, and is credited with the discovery of high velocity clouds in our Galactic halo among many others. In fact, it was the telescope used to conduct an early experiment in detecting evaporating black holes by John O’Sullivan, which later led to the development of Wi-Fi back at CSIRO in Australia in following years. Now, it has been fully restored as a heritage project funded by various Dutch agencies, and is operated by an enthusiast group known as CAMRAS (the C.A. Muller Radio Astronomy Station).
Big thanks go to H. Munk (who steered the dish in the background of this video!) and P. Boven for allowing the pudding access to the telescope and for facilitating its latest adventures :) Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and to those who inspire the continuing adventures of the cosmic dancing pudding! ^_^
Aanvulling later toegevoegd
Op 15 december maakte Vanessa nog een eindejaarscompilatie episode #17 waarin naast de radiotelescoop inclusief een opname in de waarneemcabine ook de Westerbork radiotelescopen en LOFAR te zien zijn.